Policies for staff

This page provides downloads and links to all Rainbow policies and procedures. Staff should follow these policies procedures and these should inform and underpin practice. If staff are unsure or unclear on any requirements set out in these policies, they should discuss with a member of the management team to clarify. Failure to follow these official policies could have serious implications, could endanger children, risk the gan licence or provide lack of consistency to care arrangements for the children. Therefore, staff who do not follow these procedures may be subject to disciplinary action or dismissal. Policies and procedures help provide consistency and clarity on how to act and behave in different situations and circumstances within the gan. It is essential that all staff are familiar with these and refer to them when required.

Anonymous Disclosure Policy

Behaviour Policy

Biting Policy

Child protection and safeguarding policy and  PDF on recognising abuse

COVID Policy

Diarrhoea and vomiting policy

Drugs, Alcohol and Smoking staff policy

Exclusion policy for staff and children (infection and illness)

Facilities usage policy for staff

Feedback to parents policy (staff)

Food and snack policy and staff guidelines

Friday working policy

Holiday Policy

Hygiene and Personal appearance policy for staff

Infection Control policy

Late sessions and Fridays – This policy is written for parents (not staff) but staff need to be aware of it, to properly implement the arrangements, and to advise parents correctly.

Medication policy – administering medication to children

Nappy changing policy

Paddling pool policy

Parent consultation policy for staff

Phone policy for staff

Photo policy

Prevention of blood borne infection – staff procedure

Provisions Policy – staff guidelines

Settling in policy

Suncream policy

Staff sickness policy (Calling in sick)

Transitioning to toilet – staff policy on ‘potty training’

Unwell Children policy

Celebrating religions

  • We learn about all religions- remember that we are not all Jewish
  • We take part in some of the main traditions for the festivals

Collection of children

  • If ANYONE other than the parent with whom you are familiar comes to pick up the child, you MUST check before allowing them in the nursery. Ask for their ID
  • Parents can have more than 1 person authorised to collect.
  • It must be recorded in the register if someone new is coming to collect, with full name and relation to the child in the day book
  • A photo of person collecting should be sent to the office via Whatsapp or Email and can then be posted on the relevant Whatsapp group for all staff to see.

Responding to Accidents

  • A cold compress should applied immediately to any bumps, scrapes or bites.
  • A star should be placed next the child’s name in the register to remind staff feeding back to inform parents.
  • All accidents must be fed back to parents.
  • In the case of a serious accident or any kind of head injury the child’s parent must be contacted immediately, and they should be asked to take the child home, or given the opportunity for the child to stay at nursery if appropriate.
  • In the case of Hospitalisation is needed;
  1. Call for an ambulance immediately 101.
  2. Whilst waiting for the ambulance, contact the parent and arrange to meet them at the hospital.
  3. A senior member of staff must accompany the child.
  4. A member of the management team must also be informed immediately
  5. Remember to take a phone, parent/emergency contacts, childs comforter.

Click Here to download the —> Medication form

Key points and special policy reminders:

Sickness and Diarrhoea

  • Diarrhoea is a watery bowel movement which occurs consecutively within a short period of time. One loose bowel movement is NOT Diarrhoea
  • Children who have experienced sickness and diarrhoea, they should not return to nursery until they have been clear for at least 2 days.
  • Sick or unwell children should be isolated from the other children, whilst waiting to be collected