Day Structure

The structure of the day at babies is very flexible and based around the needs of each Baby Unitof the individual children we have. We spend time getting to know your child, and parents’ needs, wishes and preference before the baby starts at the nursery so that we can plan their day around their own routines. In the younger Baby Group (B1) our routine is completely flexible and there is no set ‘nursery’ routine, apart from fitting in two adult planned activities in the morning, and a further two in the afternoon, we are completely responsive to their children’s needs. This means that in B1 there are always a few children eating, some sleeping, and some playing! Each child’s routine is clearly displayed for the practitioners to follow. In the older Baby Group (B2), there 22df641ade05210cbf0c557d0b66dd37is a carefully planned routine to start to introduce some traditional ‘nursery’ elements into their day, such as planned eating times, common sleep times, circle time and set times for activities. However our approach remains flexible and responsive to children’s changing and developing needs. For example, most children in B2 sleep for 30 to 45 minutes in the morning, and again after lunch, but some children will skip their morning sleep or sleep again in the afternoon.

The B2 day looks something like this!20151117044019

7:30 – welcome, registration and free plan

8:00 – Sleepers head to sleep…

8:45 – Activity 1

9:30 – Mid morning snack

10:00 – Activity 2 (Messy)

10:45 – Nappy time

11:20 – Circle Time

11:30 – Lunch5066578ab2e9ff67d1be62364956b582

12:00 – Bottle & Sleep

1:45 – Starting waking up & Nappies

2:20 – Activity 3

3:00 – Afternoon Snack40aa3c61f1b2382835792dd990ffa626

3:30 – Activity 4

4:05 – Join with B1

4:15 – Story time

Click on the image below to see our weekly timetable at babies. Every week we plan different activities in each of the planned slots, according to the activity type indicated on the timetable.

Babies Activity Timetable

11817200_452115904973756_7579231883227556533_nClick here for the Baby group overview

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