Staff Holiday Policy


Rainbow manage staff holiday in accordance with Israeli law, and provide extra holiday entitlement days for each year of service.

All staff are entitled to paid holiday, this includes part time and cover staff. Basic holiday entitlement is accused at one day per full month worked. Part time, or cover staff holiday entitlement is worked out on a pro-rata basis each month based on the number of hours and days worked. Staff are able to see how much holiday they have accrued each month by looking at their payslip. If staff believe the holiday entitlement is shown wrong on their payslip, it is imperative that immediate representation is made to the Rainbow administrator, who will investigate, and make corrections if required.

Religious days:

Staff are required to identify a ‘selected’ religion. The religious festival days associated with the chosen religion will be given paid, in addition to the accrued holiday. On Holiday eve work finishes ONE hour before the official start of the holiday OR the normal time at which the shift ends, whichever is earlier.

Where a staff member has selected ‘Jewish’ as their chosen religion, they may request holiday off for other religious festivals (eg – Christmas) as part of their paid holiday, however these days will not be guaranteed, and holiday could be refused. The only way to assure that religious days are guaranteed holiday, is to select the chosen religion they fall into.

Where a staff member has not selected ‘Jewish’ as their chosen religion, they are required to work on Jewish holidays even if the gan is closed. Alternatively, they can book gan closure days as a holiday. When staff are required or opt to work on Jewish holidays (if they are not Jewish), they may be given cleaning or maintenance tasks within the gan, or work or training to complete from home.

Holiday entitlement:

In your first year at Rainbow, staff accumulate holiday at the rate of one day per full month worked, or pro-rata for part time staff.

Holiday days can usually only be taken after they have been accumulated. If the manager agrees to a holiday request that exceeds the number of annual leave days which has been accumulated, the days will be taken as unpaid leave, and paid back each month as new annual leave days are accrued.

After your first year at Rainbow, your holiday entitlement increases based on the salary and renumeration policy.

After the first year; holiday days can usually only be taken after they have been accumulated. If the manager agrees to a holiday request that exceeds the number of annual leave days which has been accumulated, you are permitted to enter into five days of ‘minus’ holiday. This means you can be paid for up to 5 additional holiday days, which have not yet been earned. As the holiday days are earned back, these will be reduced for your ‘minus’ days, until these are back at zero.

In addition, staff with more than a year’s service, may also take longer holidays with the permission of the manager, which exceed both the accumulated holiday days, and the 5 day minus allowance. Any such days as taken as unapaid leave, but still count towards your annual holiday allowance, as they are paid back each month, after they are earned back, and reduced from your holiday entitlement.

If you leave the company before you earned back any holiday days for which you are in ‘minus’, these will be deducted from your final salary, as you will be required to ‘pay back’ these days.

Your holiday days are accrued every month, from the month you start work. This will become your work anniversary. You must use your holiday days within the year you have accrued them. Each year on your work anniversary your holiday days will be set back to zero.  This is done automatically by the payroll company. You are generally not permitted to carry any unused holiday days over to the next year. In exceptional circumstances, the manager may allow more than 5 days to be carried over to the following year. However, you must request this in writing, in advance of your work anniversary, clearly stating the exceptional circumstances requiring holidays to be carried forward.

Staff may book holiday for medical appointments if they are known about in advance, or may use sick day entitlements if relevant.

Staff must book holidays to attend appointments at government offices, banks and for the completion of other personal administrative arrangements.

Booking holiday days

Holidays should be requested one month in advance. Holiday requests made at least 5 working days in advance will be considered and accommodated wherever possible. Holiday requests with less than 5 working days notice are unlikely to be considered, and may not be noticed in time, if staff rotas have already been produced for the week

Holiday requests, even when made one month or more in advance may not always be approved, Typical reasons for not approving staff holiday requests are clashes with staff training or meetings or too many other people already on holiday at the specified time, so lack of available cover staff.

Holiday must be requested by using the Holiday request form on the staff portal

The staff holiday Request form may be access by clicking here

COVID Policy Update

Where staff are travelling abroad during any booked holiday periods, staff MUST check the requirements as set out by the Ministry of Health for any periods of quarantine (Bidud) on their return to Israel. Any days that staff are required to spend in quarantine as a result from travelling abroad MUST be included in the holiday days that are requested. Staff must have sufficient holiday allowance to cover any time abroad and subsequent quarantine days.