Sleeping Guidelines for Green and Yellow Group

  1. The door must stay open alway
  2. Once the children are asleep, or mostly asleep – the staff member should set up the small world, and fine motor areas, keeping an eye, ear and checking every few minutes on the sleeping children. Staff do not need to sit in the room while the children are sleeping
  3. As children finish their lunch, they should toilet, wash their hands and face and come to their matrass. Some children need a nappy only for sleeping, there is a list of these children on the wall. The nappy should be waiting on their bed, and the staff member in the room should put it on them
  4. All children should rest. The older children may take a book to their matrass if they are unable to fall asleep immediately. However with encouragement and reinforcement of the rest time rules all children will sleep within 10 – 15 minutes of laying down.
  5. Basic rest time rules;
  • The children face away from each other, so as not to distract their friends
  • Matrasses should be a minimum of 8cm apart, more where possible
  • Silence in the sleep room
  • Children stay in their beds once they go their matrass until they wake up
  • A box of dummies and soft toys is in the middle of the room, they can take what they need prior to laying down

6. After 45 minutes, if children haven’t fallen asleep, or have already woken up, they may get up. They should go to the bathroom, use the toilet and wash their face. They should also take off their nappy if they have one on, and sit on the toilet

7. Once the 45 minute watershed has passed (this is usually between 1:30 and 1:45) the children should not be asked to remain on their mattresses, they should be encouraged to get up (when they are ready)

8.After toileting, the children can play in the Maths and Science room; there should be self-directed activities laid out on both carpets and on both tables. There are two members of staff who supervise the children waking up, and those playing in the Maths and Science room, by 2:00 they may also play in the main room, and by 2:15, the Maths and Science room should be tidied up, apart from one thing left out for Group 6

9. As each child gets up, the staff member should flatten their blanket, and stack their mattress neatly on top of the others, in the back right corner. The room should gradually be set up with Gym equipment as the space slowly starts to get cleared. Set up around the children who are still sleeping

10. All children in group 4, should be woken up and down to the language lab ideally by 2pm, but at least by 2:15. All other children should be woken up by 2:45, and the gym should be fully functional by that time with everything set out

Download these guidelines as a printable PDF poster for the wall or to read