Parent consultations

We have organised parent consultations three times a year; around December/January, and again in April time and finally in June/July. The final parent consultation is optional, but we encourage parents to attend the first two consultations of the year. You can view the allocated consultation months in the Rainbow calendar.

We strongly recommend that all children’s parents’ attend if they have more than one parent. This provides the opportunity for all parents to develop a good understanding of their child’s development at Rainbow, and to discuss progress.

Parents consultations provide us with an excellent opportunity to take park in two-way discussion, as well as discussing your child’s progress at gan with us, we also want to hear about what happens at home, your views on your child’s progress and also how you think we are doing at nursery! What could we do differently, or ways in which you think we could help your child’s development more, or ways we could make yoru experience at Rainbow even better!

Parent consultations usually take place with your child’s key worker, and the group team leader, or deputy team leader.

During parent meetings you can expect us to:

  • Discuss our observations of your child with you, and show you some of the written observations we have undertaken
  • Share a carefully selected set of photos with you, to help us discuss key points in your child’s development
  • Review our EYFS summative assessment form (completed 3 times a year) which tracks all your child’s developmental milestones
  • Show you some artwork and creations that your child has made, and discuss relevant developmental points related
  • Discuss and agree ‘next steps’ for your child and how we can support their ongoing development
  • We will avoid subjective opinions and comparisons with other children
  • Talk about transitions for next year, if this is relevant
  • Listen to your views and feedback about the care we provide for your child and the learning opportunities we create

We provide a very generous 30 minutes per family to explore these things with you, and we do ask that you arrive 5 minutes before your appointment and help us to end your appointment on time!

You can also schedule a parent consultation outside of these set consultation times, simply talk to your child’s team leader or the nursery manager, and we will set up an appointment for you.