Feedback to parents

Feedback works slightly differently for each group, depending on the class and the age of the children.

Daily Whatsapp Broadcast

This is sent out towards the end of each day for each class, and includes:

  • Which staff were working in the group today
  • Menu and lunch offering
  • Theme of the week
  • Topic of Circle Time for today
  • Focus teaching time topic/s
  • Activities on offer today
  • Any special events or activities, or role play themes
  • General reminders and requests

Photo broadcast of daily Log

For Crocodiles, Armadillos and Leopards… The staff keep a daily log in the classroom, which will be photographed and sent out at the end of each day. This contains information about sleep time and nappy changes. In addition, if your child’s name is highlighted – there is some additional feedback that the staff wish to give you; this could in relation to a toileting accident, a incident of biting (bitten or biting), or another ‘out-of-the-ordinary’ event that happened during the day. If your child’s name is highlighted you will receive a call, or a voice note, or someone will pop out to speak to you.

Daily Access to staff in Pandas and Crocodiles…

At the beginning of each day, between 7:30 and 8:30 a different team member is on classroom ‘door’ duty, and will welcome you in the morning, and you may have time to chat informally during morning registration. Its a good idea to let your child enter the classroom first, and then chat on the doorstep!  At the end of each day, one team member will be stationed oat the classroom door to meet parents and call the children, for Pandas the team will give some daily feedback and for Crocodiles the staff will chat informally and should be able to answer any questions.

Daily access to Frogs staff…

At the end of the day, your child will come down to the main gate with your child when you arrive. The staff member will be able to provide you with some feedback on their day and chat to you for a minute or two! In the mornings, sometimes a team member from Frogs will come down to meet you when you arrive, and other times the person on ‘gate duty’ may bring your child in. You can always send a whatsapp message to the classroom phone with a quick update about things like sleep time, or when they had their last feed, or anything else you want to update the team about.

Exceptional Feedback

If something ‘exceptional’ (eg: out-of-the-ordinary) for your child happened, as stated above, you will receive a call, or a voice note, or someone will pop out to speak to you at the end of the day. The team leader may also call if there are any specific concerns or issues that should be discussed with parents.

Weekly Feedback 

Each week you will receive a voice note with some more detailed feedback relating to your child. We will try to follow this timetable:

  • Monday – Red Group
  • Tuesday – Blue Group
  • Wednesday – Green Group
  • Thursday – Yellow Group

This will be delivered by either the team leader, or your child’s keyworker or one of the practitioners working in the room with your child. It will cover the following topics:

  • Update on toileting (if relevant)
  • Insight into how your child has been spending their week – what activities they have been doing, what they have been choosing to play with during free play
  • Social interactions which stand out, for example other children they have been spending time with, or playing with, any difficulties they have been experiencing in relation to social interactions
  • Feedback on their relationship with food! What meals they have particularly enjoyed over the week (or hated) their general participation in morning and afternoon snack
  • Anything else that is relevant or stands out to staff

Parents request for additional discussion

Parents are invited to contact the classroom phone to seek more information about something they have been told, or read about their child. OR, if they wish to discuss a particular topic or issue with the team. Parents should MESSAGE the phone in the morning, request a call back, and stating WHAT they wish to discuss, and whilst the children are sleeping, and staff have time to get back to parents, they will work through the messages and undertake the call-backs each day.

Request to meet staff 

Parents may also request to meet staff face to face, with the team leader, deputy team leader or key worker. Parents can also meet with the gan manager. Parents should contact the class phone to arrange such meetings. Meetings need to be planned in advance so that cover arrangements can be made to enable the staff can step out.

Frogs and Pandas

For the Frogs and Pandas classes, the staff will try to give some daily feedback on pick, as these children are younger you will need slightly more information.


As we head towards December/January, we will be setting up individual meetings with each family with the team leader and keyworker to discuss your child, and to give more detailed and colourful feedback

In the first weeks… if you are settling…

Your child’s key worker will try hard to give you additional feedback in the first weeks, about how your child is settling, and what they were doing during their time with us. This may be when they bring your child out after settling, via telephone call/s, or voice notes, but in time this will reduce down to the ‘normal’ feedback protocol for your class