The CIF is an information form, which we use to collect important information about you and your family to enable us to provide the best possible care for your child and to meet your family’s needs. No child can attend Rainbow without a fully completed form being submitted to us, and all existing families must complete a new form by the given deadline. Please be assured that we look after your data carefully, and do not share your information with anyone! Here are some key things that you will need in order to complete your form:
– Details, including ID numbers of any authorised people who can pick up your child from gan
– At least 2 emergency contacts we can call if we cannot reach you, if your child becomes ill or has an accident
– A recent photograph of your child
– A recent family photograph
– Essential Factory certification for your workplace (if relevant)
Registering other people to pick up your child
If you wish to authorise other people to be allowed to collect your child from Rainbow (for example babysitters, grandparents or others) you need to complete a form for each person you wish to authorise.